There is a demand for young people – both when it comes to choosing education, apprenticeships and future employers. That is why Billund Erhverv, with support from the local business community, has established an apprentice and student network across the municipality's businesses.

The initiative is called the Apprentice and Student Network, and it aims to increase the attraction of apprentices and students, create relationships, increase well-being and strengthen ties to both companies and the local area.

"We know that social relationships are important, and it has not become easier for young people to establish new social relationships in recent years. The relationships are important for the well-being of young people in the educational process and for their attachment to the workplace and our area", says Marie Skov Lillelund, director of Billund Business.

The Apprentice and Student Network, which first met in January, already consists of 130 apprentices and students, and so far 12 local companies have supported the effort.

The best environment for apprentices and students

New companies are constantly joining, wanting to give their apprentices and students the opportunity to join the network, or simply wanting to support the effort to show that the business community in Billund Municipality stands together to create the best framework for our young people.

One of the companies that has signed up for the Apprentice and Student Network is CK Produktion in Billund, and CEO Andreas Haahr has no doubt about the value of the network: "We want those who come to us to fit in well and find their place, both in terms of work and indeed in terms of leisure - so we would like to offer our apprentices the opportunity to participate in the network's events, so they can meet new people and make new relationships.".

The network can be used actively by companies, both when recruiting new apprentices and students, and when retaining existing ones. It should simply be clear to everyone that it is attractive to look for jobs among companies in Billund Municipality, as companies want to create the best framework for their younger employees.

In addition to the activities for young people, companies are invited to two annual events where the focus is on recruiting and retaining younger employees.

A good network takes time to develop.

Billund Business has, at the request of local businesses and with support from Ole Kirk's Foundation, HK Sydjylland and the Danish Trade Union Confederation for the next three years, launched the Apprentice and Student Network.

"We know that new initiatives take time, both to develop and to get off the ground, so we are happy that we will receive support for the effort over the next three years, so that we can both develop the effort, try more things and also learn experiences that can set the direction for the effort in the future.”, says Marie Skov Lillelund, director of Billund Business.

According to Camilla Madsen, head of office for HK Sydjylland, the union is interested in young apprentices and students getting a good start to their working lives, and therefore the union supports the initiative.

"We have chosen to be a partner in the Apprentice and Student Network at Billund Erhverv, as we are concerned with the relationships between our young people and their employers. As a trade union, it is important to be an active part of what, for most, is the start of a long and good working life. We believe that we are stronger together, and we want to be a trade union that young people benefit from. In the same way, we want to be their employers' partner, so that we can create good processes for all parties. That serves us all best.", says Camilla Madsen, head of office for HK South Jutland.

Social activities throughout the year

Approximately 10 annual activities are held for the companies' apprentices and students. The next activity is on March 5, when the Apprentice and Student Network is invited to Lalandia after closing time for, among other things, bowling and mini golf.

The activities in 2025 are well underway and the young people will, among other things, also be invited to a handball match with GGIF, Speedway in GSK and a joint trip to EURO Skills in Herning.

The Apprentice and Student Network is for all members of Billund Erhverv, and you as a company can also become a member even if you currently do not have apprentices or students.

The participating companies that have chosen to support the network from the start, both by offering it to their apprentices and students and with finances, are CBRE, CK. Produktion, GEV, Lalandia, LEGO, LEGOLAND, NEK, IFF, Scandinavian Avionics, Sparekassen Kronjylland, Svend's Værktøj and Zebicon. Several local companies have also signed up with sponsorship support for the individual activities.

If you would like more information about the Apprentice and Student Network, please contact Marianne Karlskov. Thomsen on or see more about the Apprentice and Student Network here.

Traditional and locally committed company received this year's business promotion award

Billund Business's New Year's Eve party on Tuesday formed the framework for the presentation of the Business Promotion Award 2024.

180 partners and members of Billund Erhverv participated when HT Transport & Spedition A/S received the business promotion award, which was presented by local editor Kristina Skjoldborg from JydskeVestkysten.

The award was motivated by the company's ability to demonstrate both financial strength and industry expertise.

HT Transport & Spedition has gone through several generational changes, which they have successfully managed.

With their development and significant growth over many years, they have contributed to positioning Billund as a strong logistics hub, for which they should be recognized.

HT Transport & Spedition shows entrepreneurial commitment, which helps to set the direction for developments within the transport and logistics industry, and the company helps to find new solutions, including through innovation collaborations with Billund Business and students.

The company is also working on green transition, including electrification in both the fleet and buildings.

In addition to the award ceremony, the evening's program featured the year that passed in Billund Business, the mayor's perspectives on the municipality's business policy visions, and insight into the LEGO Group as a global player with a strong local presence from Ole Hammer, who is the chairman of the board of the Toy Industry and Director in Government & Public Affairs in the LEGO Group.

In addition to interesting presentations, the evening naturally also provided plenty of opportunity for networking and conversation over good food and drinks.

The Business Promotion Award has been awarded since 2003 and is given to a company, an association or a private individual in recognition of a special effort that promotes business. The award is sponsored by Vestjysk Bank, Billund Municipality, JydskeVestkysten and Billund Erhverv, who want to recognize those who do something extraordinary for the development of the municipality.

2 G'ers from the Innovation and Marketing course at Grindsted Gymnasie- and Erhvervsskole have spent the last months on a course that ends with participation in the Company Program competition, which is held by the Foundation for Entrepreneurship.

The students were tasked with coming up with some innovative ideas for concepts that could have business potential and which they could see were lacking in the current market.

Once the concepts had been found and the presentations made, the next task was to learn how to pitch to a potential investor or future business partner, and how to present your business model in the best possible way.

Billund Erhverv's business developer Paul-Erik Hensgen had to judge the young people's pitch, and he is very satisfied: "The students approached the task with enthusiasm and good energy - there was of course a little nervousness to be detected, but once they got started, it was with humor, self-confidence and good eye contact.”

Teacher Thomas Keller Carstensen has no doubts about the great value it has for the students to have a professional come from outside who has to assess their concepts and presentations: "In this Company Program course, the students get to know a great many of the considerations that need to be made when you want to start a business. They are allowed to work with things in practice and they are allowed to use it instead of hearing about it. It is super motivating for them to have to present to someone from outside, and they go to it with great courage and good energy.”

Through the course, the students get a feel for entrepreneurship and what it requires. Billund Erhverv's business developers can help and guide entrepreneurs, and the 2nd Gs got a taste of professional business development.

On 23 January, the students from Grindsted Gymnasie- og Erhvervsskole will stand on a stand at Rybners, where they will give their pitches - judges from the business world will go around, to whom the students will present their business ideas. The best teams go on to the regional championships on Funen, and then to the DM in Industriens Hus in Copenhagen.

Billund Career Tour 2024

Billund KarriereTour 2024 is over - and it was a huge success!

The CareerTour is a catalyst for recruiting and attracting labor to Billund municipality, which also has an impact on settlement and the attraction of new citizens – therefore we are also proud of the great support Billund KarriereTour has among educational institutions.

Billund Career Tour BUILDING

On 25 September, 50 students from VIA University College Horsens, Erhvervsakademi Midtvest, AAU Esbjerg and Aarhus University Billund visited 2 major construction projects – LEGO Campus on Kornmarken and TRAVBYEN.

The students started the day by visiting the construction sites and the builders, where they got a detailed review of the visions and thoughts behind the projects. Afterwards, there was lunch and a meeting at Billund Erhverv, where Line Nørmark from Transition caught the attention of the participants with an exciting presentation on sustainability in construction.

Billund Career Tour TECH

Just under 250 young people from the University of Southern Denmark, UCL, Aarhus University, Business Academy MidtVest, VIA University College, Business Academy South West, IBA Business Academy Kolding and Business Academy Dania visited tech companies in Billund and Grindsted on 24 October.

It was, among other things, future production technologists, mechanical engineers, logistics economists and production engineers who visited Zebicon, Anmasi, Stansomatic, LEGO, CK Produktion, HN Group and DAVINCI 3D.

After visiting the companies, there was a meeting at Billund Erhverv, where, as usual, we had invited the participating companies to a 'mini fair', where they had the opportunity to talk to the students 1:1 - and there was enormous interest in talking to the companies.

Billund Career Tour TOURISM

Billund KarriereTour TOURISM had a new format this year, where innovation had to be worked on in practice.
On 18 September, the process started with company visits to Lalandia, LEGOLAND and WOW Park, where 50 service and experience students from UCL Vejle, EASV Sønderborg and Esbjerg were put to work on their tasks.

The students could choose between different cases such as identifying a new product or business area, how do we best train/educate our employees?, how can we improve the guest experience, etc.

On 30 November, the students had to pitch their solutions to the companies - and it was impressive what they had come up with in such a short time.

Billund KarriereTour returns in autumn 2025.

What do the participants say?

'It's super cool for the students to be invited to Billund KarriereTour BYG - it's a valuable inspiration tour with a look into the complexity of a large construction project, where sustainability also plays a big role - and what we've seen today are really projects, that pushes forward.'

Lecturer and teacher
VIA University College

'We visited Davinci, LEGO and Stansomatic, and it was really cool to see the processes behind it - and see 3 very different ways of doing it. It was also great to hear about the job and training opportunities - and the day ended in a great environment.'

Production technology student
UCL Vejle

'It gives a lot to be allowed to see everyday life in the companies and what you could get to do if you were employed by one of them. A day like Billund KarriereTour TECH gives really good ideas for one's future and future internship - I hope UCL continues to participate in this event.'

Production technology student
UCL Vejle

'It was insanely cool and wildly educational to participate in Billund KarriereTour TOURISM. We had to make a completely new product for Lalandia, and it was cool with the great value that lies in what you do, and that it might be used for something real.'

Service and experience economics student
UCL Vejle

'It was cool to work with a real case – it automatically creates a greater interest when you work with something that might turn into something in real life. When you get out to the companies, you also get better access to knowledge and increased interest in applying for an internship or job - clearly you can use Billund KarriereTour TOURISM for something.'

Service and experience economist
UCL Vejle

'The entire Billund Career Tour TOURISM was a clear success! There was a focus on using theory in practice, and there was a link to many known reference points. It has a great effect that they are not working on pseudo-projects, and it was really cool how the companies listened and involved us. It really makes being a teacher more fun'

UCL Vejle

If you want to know more about Billund KarriereTour, you can contact business coordinator Marianne K. Thomsen at or 2269 2498.

FK Trådindustri, located in Filskov, is a leading manufacturer of wire goods, which, among other things, serving the construction industry, the design sector and the furniture industry. They have expertise in all kinds of wire processing. You will find their products in everything from prams and applied art to cages and concrete elements.

The company combines high-tech production with traditional values ​​such as reliability, excellent service and high quality. They handle the entire wire bending process, either internally or via their network.

FK Trådindustri always finds the most cost-effective solution, regardless of whether it concerns large quantities of pig iron or finished products that are painted, packaged and labeled according to the customer's wishes.

With a desire to always be ahead and ensure efficiency and competitiveness, FK Trådindustri invited Billund Erhverv's business developer, who together with partners DAMRC and MADE visited the company to help optimize their production process.

After sparring and dialogue, it was concluded that 3D printing for control measurement could be a way to optimize production processes and at the same time ensure high quality.

DAMRC organized a test installation where, in collaboration with FK Trådindustri, they tested different formats within 3D printing. The project was so successful that FK Trådindustri has today itself acquired a 3D printer and has fully implemented 3D control in their production.

Mikkel Gier Larsen from FK Tråðindustri states: "In addition to making workflows much easier and saving time, 3D control measurements help to ensure high quality, and we can already see that it has helped to create new customers."

Production check

Denmark's production cluster MADE offers projects to Danish SMEs looking for help to develop new solutions and implement new technologies, e.g. in CNC machining, 3D printing, robots, data, materials or something else entirely.

The projects are aimed at companies that want to discover how they can strengthen their production with the use of new solutions and new technologies.

MADE collaborates with, among others, DAMRC and the Technological Institute in connection with the execution of the task.

If you also need a production check and want to ensure that your plant functions optimally, or if you need to look into new technologies, you can contact Billund Erhverv's business developer Lars Gadgaard at and 9215 1142.

Kickstart projects are financed by a grant from Denmark's Business Promotion Board and the European Regional Fund.

Through a collaboration between MADE, DAMRC and Billund Erhverv, the Grindsted company JR Teknik had a production check carried out with the aim of improving and optimizing production.

 JR Teknik had a Tap test carried out on various tools with a focus on speed, vibration, stability and rotational speed, and the results were both surprising and eye-opening for the company.

The production times per subject was significantly improved and the adjusted rotational speeds showed significantly less wear on machines, bearings and tools, and today JR Teknik buys fewer tools than before.

In addition, power consumption was reduced per process.

On average, the optimization gave an improvement in the use of the tools of 25-30% and up to 51% on a single tool.

Jakob Therkildsen from JR Teknik says: "The project has been extremely good - both execution and benefits are superb, and we had a super good collaboration with DAMRC, who were responsible for it. Step 2 could easily be that we look at optimizing the lathe.”

He continues: "After all, we save both materials and energy, and that fits in well with our ambition to work more with our sustainability story and business plan, where we want to have a greater focus on greener production."

Here, Jakob Therkildsen (centre) shows a tool to Billund Erhverv's business developer Lars Gadgaard (TV) and chief consultant Helmut Schwartz from MADE.

About JR Technik

JR Teknik arose in 2021 as a spinoff company, when toolmaker Jacob Therkildsen and industrial technician Rolf Barsgaard Hansen started their own small business alongside their daily work.

The company is a subcontractor to industrial companies in robotics, medicine, agriculture and energy. They mill, turn and cut metal and plastic parts for production facilities.

Their strength lies in the fact that they can deliver small series of 1-10 items, but they also have the capacity to produce larger series.

JR Teknik has many local customers, but also customers from Funen and Zealand.

Production check

Denmark's production cluster MADE offers projects to Danish SMEs looking for help to develop new solutions and implement new technologies, e.g. in CNC machining, 3D printing, robots, data, materials or something else entirely.

The projects are aimed at smaller companies that want to discover how they can strengthen their production with the use of new solutions and new technologies.

MADE collaborates with, among others, DAMRC and the Technological Institute in connection with the execution of the task.

If you also need a production check and want to ensure that your plant functions optimally, or if you need to look into new technologies, you can contact Billund Erhverv's business developer Lars Gadgaard at and 9215 1142.

Kickstart projects are financed by a grant from Denmark's Business Promotion Board and the European Regional Fund.

If we take a national look, we see that the number of wage earners has reached 3 million, and this record can largely be attributed to the companies' ability to attract international labour.

Unemployment is still very low and we are looking at the fact that the workforce in Denmark will become even smaller, and when we hear about the need for heads and hands in both the public and private sectors in the coming years, a thick line is drawn under the fact that we have a need for our international colleagues.

And it is not just in Denmark that the demographic development is going that way, it is all over Europe and the competition is fierce.

In 2023, there were 318.000 full-time foreign wage earners in Denmark, which corresponds to 15% of the workforce.

In addition to raising Denmark's GDP by a three-digit billion amount and supplement the public finances, then we could also ask ourselves the question - what will our growth potential, the competitiveness of our companies and our welfare look like if we do not maintain a strong focus on supporting both the recruitment and retention of international employees - especially in areas outside the larger cities.

The figure below shows that as much as 80 per cent of the progress in total employment in Denmark alone is attributed to international labour.

In Billund municipality, the proportion of international employees is just under 18 per cent, which is well above our neighboring municipalities. This emphasizes the need for international recruitment in our business life and it is spread across industries and company sizes.

It may sound lopsided, but we find that it can be easier for our companies to recruit abroad than among candidates around our larger cities in Denmark.

Business-oriented service

Billund Erhverv handles Billund Municipality's service towards our local businesses, which include would like to look internationally and also towards the international employees who come to our area.

The companies acknowledge the effort in DI's analysis from 2023, where Billund Municipality achieves a ranking as No. 1 among all the country's municipalities in terms of efforts to attract and connect international labour.

An increased focus on attracting international labor also requires increased knowledge of the process and answers to concrete questions in connection with recruiting and coming to Denmark. This applies to both the company and the employee. The questions can be many: how do I do in relation to work and residence permits?, what about a bank account?, what about that MitID? and much more.

Here, Billund Erhverv helps to create an overview of the process and is also happy to have a conversation with the candidate if he/she needs to learn more about the options for school/care options, Danish lessons and, not least, a place to live.

The effort for international employees is about the necessary qualified labor for our companies, but it is also about the potential for settlement and new citizens.

If you are considering recruiting internationally or if you already have international employees, you are more than welcome to reach out to Newcomer Service/Business Coordinator Marianne Thomsen at or 2269 2498.

At Hestkær Family Rooms, run by Birgitte and Christian Cammelbeeck, they are constantly looking for new opportunities that can help develop both the business and the local area. As a result, they have just been awarded NOK 84.900 in LAG funds for a food truck, which will, among other things, make "pimped" hand meals with good local seasonal ingredients for various local events and tourists. It will also be possible for companies and individuals to hire the food truck for a private event. The trolley must also help to compensate for seasonal fluctuations for the employees in Hestkær Family Rooms.

It was not difficult to apply for the funds, and Hestkær Family Rooms had previously been awarded LAG funds in connection with the establishment of a glamping camp, so they knew the process well. "But Janne from LAG and Marianne from Billund Erhverv have been a great help - it's really great that you are helped both before and during the application process." it comes from Christian Cammelbeeck.

Random startup
For Birgitte and Christian Cammelbeeck, it all started by chance.

Christian originally had an electronics business that was getting quite large, so in 2015 he bought Hestkær independent school with a view to using the school as a business and warehouse. It turned out that there were several options at the school, as Christian says: "There were already approvals to establish some rental, so we started with 2-3 rooms and now have 12 large family apartments and a glamping camp. Birgitte is a trained chef and nutritionist and from there came the idea for a food truck. At first we would have sought funds to hold courses in the old school kitchen at Hestkær, but with a food truck, we can be there where it happens in the municipality.

In 2017, Christian Cammelbeeck sold the electronics company and the couple went all-in with their bed and breakfast. Hestkær Family Rooms has a school theme and the whole concept is at children's level. "It has always been intended that it should all be family-friendly, that there should be room for children to play without being afraid of breaking something." There are both playgrounds, a cable car, rabbits and goats, and lots of facilities for playing both outside and inside. "It wasn't until 2019 that we were fully up and running," says Christian, and continues: "But then a pandemic came..."

"We pretty much made it through the crisis, as we have all the activities that we have" comes from Birgitte Cammelbeeck. "So even if the big entertainment venues were closed, you could easily spend a few days here with us without getting bored." Christian continues: "But it's still a bit like starting over now, but luckily it's going well."

In addition to the food truck, which Birgitte and Christian Cammelbeeck also hope will be found at local street food markets, the couple is renovating a former residential building in Grindsted. Here they themselves must have a residence, and then Airbnb apartments must be established in the rest of the building.

If you want to know more about LAG funds and what it takes to be considered for them, you can contact business developer Marianne Hestbech Witte on 44 145 550 and

In 2022, Nick Laursen and his wife moved to Billund, when she had found work in the city. Nick continued his work with entrepreneurship and commercialization within sustainable and innovative energy solutions as well as companies, and in this connection he contacted Billund Erhverv for help in finding an office community or similar, so that he did not have to work from home.
Contact was quickly established with GEV in Grindsted, who via their GEV Energy Hub offers office space to entrepreneurs within energy, sustainability or supply. GEV and Nick Laursen quickly found that they were a perfect match, and at the start of 2023 Nick moved into the GEV Energy Hub.

"It was fantastic to get the office space at GEV, because I now sit in an environment that has to do with energy," says Nick Laursen and continues: "I wanted to try my hand at entrepreneurship in Denmark and was offered to participate in an entrepreneurship program in Copenhagen, which, among other things, arranges company visits. I needed someone who could code and who was skilled, and on a company visit in Oslo I met Antonio Calderon, who then became a co-founder of the company KAKTI.”

KAKTI quickly got off to a good start, and in May 2023 the company received investment from a global venture capital fund and was awarded an InnoFounder under the Innovation Fund in July 2023, where the CVR number was also created. Things are going strong for the company, and KAKTI is in the process of scaling up.

Investment in the future

Nick Laursen explains: "We joined DTU's GreenUp Accelerator in May 2024, which takes in 15 companies a year and runs them through a scale-up over 20 months. In that context, the companies are being offered a convertible bond, which we intend to accept - and raise additional money from private investors."

"We have received a great deal of help so that the dominoes fell as they did, and therefore we would like to give something back - we can do that by first giving investors here in the municipality the opportunity to say no or yes," says Nick Laursen and continues: "So I contacted Billund Erhverv again, and they are helping to organize an event for their investor network - and then we hope that everything will fall into place. We are of course looking for other investors, but as I said, I would like to give the investors here in the municipality the opportunity first."

The future looks bright for KAKTI. The company is now faced with having to find the right employees, and the ambition is to quickly achieve a size so that they can do several projects per quarter and then scale up from there.


KAKTI develops advanced AI-driven optimization solutions for district heating systems. With a focus on sustainability and efficiency, KAKTI provides intelligent solutions that reduce energy waste, lower operating costs and promote a greener future.

If you are an entrepreneur and looking for an investor, you can contact business developer Paul-Erik Hensgen at and 9215 0109.

Filskov Kro was full when Billund Erhverv gathered for this year's general meeting on 20 March.

In addition to approval of the annual accounts, briefing on the budget, etc. four board members were up for election.

Up for election were Jeppe Hebsgaard Laursen – Zebicon, Martin Ebmark – Billund Airport Hotel, Stern Johansen – KG Hansen and Jesper Jensen – Skouniverset who all received re-election.

For the alternate positions, Marianne Thorø, Billund Online and Kira Lykke Reher, MF Energi received re-election.

A resolution was approved at the general meeting that the titles of the chairman and deputy chairman will be changed from now on to chairman of the board and deputy chairman of the board respectively.

At the subsequent constitution, director Jeppe Laursen, Zebicon was again appointed as board leader and Anne-Mette Sørensen, Idento Group as continued deputy board leader.

Director Jeppe Hebsgaard Laursen from Zebicon was elected Wednesday evening as board leader for Billund Erhverv.

In his report, chairman Jeppe Laursen touched on the many member-oriented events and activities that the business association has held in the past year, with themes ranging from "the new accounting law", "how we use ChatGPT and artificial intelligence", - and "purchase and sale of your business" to "tourism of the future". He mentioned the new measures within green transition and industrial technology, which are both highly current and also have a great interest among the members.

Jeppe Laursen highlighted the company visits as big draws, and once again congratulated Sealing System, which earlier this year received the Business Promotion Award 2023.

The entrepreneurial efforts and the many measures Billund Erhverv has for newly established companies and future startups also had their place in the report.

Likewise, Billund Erhverv's work with business development of established companies was mentioned, which in 2023 rounded off more than 400 meetings and processes with local companies.

Billund Municipality was mentioned as a very central partner and the chairman of the board spoke about the importance of the tasks Billund Erhverv promises for the Municipality - including "qualified labour", which is closely linked to the efforts to increase settlement. As part of this effort, i.a. mentioned Billund KarriereTour, which in 2023 brought together 500 students from higher education.

The report also highlighted the positive development Billund Erhverv is experiencing on the membership side, with 54 new members joining the association in 2023.

Jeppe Laursen ended the report by telling about the board's work in Billund Erhverv and rounded off by thanking the association's members for their cooperation, support and attention.

"Our committed members are the driving force in Billund Business. It is a pleasure to be board leader of an association where so many contribute actively - and the value it creates is certainly not insignificant. It is the commitment of the members that gives us credibility and credibility when we as an association also seek to inspire our partners and stakeholders and we will do everything we can to continue the positive development" says board leader Jeppe Laursen.

The evening was rounded off with a look into artificial intelligence, when director of the knowledge center Radr Preben Mejer gave an exciting and somewhat awe-inspiring lecture about the electronic future we are already looking into.

The new board can be seen below:

  1. Board leader: director Jeppe Hebsgaard Laursen, Zebicon a/s
  2. Deputy board leader: director Anne-Mette Sørensen, Idento Group
  3. Development director Ronny Kristian Lilienvald, Billund Airport
  4. Director Sune Appel, ES Stålindustri Syd
  5. Company director Stern Johansen, KG Hansen & Sønner a/s
  6. Hotel Manager Martin Ebmark, Zleep Hotel Billund Airport
  7. Director Jesper Jensen, SkoUniverset
  8. Mayor Stephanie Storbank, Billund Municipality
  9. City council member Ann Charlotte Gaardsvig Vilstrup, Billund Municipality

For further information

Jeppe Hebsgaard Laursen
Board leader, Billund Erhverv
T .: 4196 4955

Marie Skov Lillelund
Director, Billund Business
T .: 9282 3605