There is a demand for young people – both when it comes to choosing education, apprenticeships and future employers. That is why Billund Erhverv, with support from the local business community, has established an apprentice and student network across the municipality's businesses.
The initiative is called the Apprentice and Student Network, and it aims to increase the attraction of apprentices and students, create relationships, increase well-being and strengthen ties to both companies and the local area.
"We know that social relationships are important, and it has not become easier for young people to establish new social relationships in recent years. The relationships are important for the well-being of young people in the educational process and for their attachment to the workplace and our area", says Marie Skov Lillelund, director of Billund Business.
The Apprentice and Student Network, which first met in January, already consists of 130 apprentices and students, and so far 12 local companies have supported the effort.
The best environment for apprentices and students
New companies are constantly joining, wanting to give their apprentices and students the opportunity to join the network, or simply wanting to support the effort to show that the business community in Billund Municipality stands together to create the best framework for our young people.
One of the companies that has signed up for the Apprentice and Student Network is CK Produktion in Billund, and CEO Andreas Haahr has no doubt about the value of the network: "We want those who come to us to fit in well and find their place, both in terms of work and indeed in terms of leisure - so we would like to offer our apprentices the opportunity to participate in the network's events, so they can meet new people and make new relationships.".
The network can be used actively by companies, both when recruiting new apprentices and students, and when retaining existing ones. It should simply be clear to everyone that it is attractive to look for jobs among companies in Billund Municipality, as companies want to create the best framework for their younger employees.
In addition to the activities for young people, companies are invited to two annual events where the focus is on recruiting and retaining younger employees.
A good network takes time to develop.
Billund Business has, at the request of local businesses and with support from Ole Kirk's Foundation, HK Sydjylland and the Danish Trade Union Confederation for the next three years, launched the Apprentice and Student Network.
"We know that new initiatives take time, both to develop and to get off the ground, so we are happy that we will receive support for the effort over the next three years, so that we can both develop the effort, try more things and also learn experiences that can set the direction for the effort in the future.”, says Marie Skov Lillelund, director of Billund Business.
According to Camilla Madsen, head of office for HK Sydjylland, the union is interested in young apprentices and students getting a good start to their working lives, and therefore the union supports the initiative.
"We have chosen to be a partner in the Apprentice and Student Network at Billund Erhverv, as we are concerned with the relationships between our young people and their employers. As a trade union, it is important to be an active part of what, for most, is the start of a long and good working life. We believe that we are stronger together, and we want to be a trade union that young people benefit from. In the same way, we want to be their employers' partner, so that we can create good processes for all parties. That serves us all best.", says Camilla Madsen, head of office for HK South Jutland.
Social activities throughout the year
Approximately 10 annual activities are held for the companies' apprentices and students. The next activity is on March 5, when the Apprentice and Student Network is invited to Lalandia after closing time for, among other things, bowling and mini golf.
The activities in 2025 are well underway and the young people will, among other things, also be invited to a handball match with GGIF, Speedway in GSK and a joint trip to EURO Skills in Herning.
The Apprentice and Student Network is for all members of Billund Erhverv, and you as a company can also become a member even if you currently do not have apprentices or students.
The participating companies that have chosen to support the network from the start, both by offering it to their apprentices and students and with finances, are CBRE, CK. Produktion, GEV, Lalandia, LEGO, LEGOLAND, NEK, IFF, Scandinavian Avionics, Sparekassen Kronjylland, Svend's Værktøj and Zebicon. Several local companies have also signed up with sponsorship support for the individual activities.
If you would like more information about the Apprentice and Student Network, please contact Marianne Karlskov. Thomsen on or see more about the Apprentice and Student Network here.