Michael Tullesen from MT Gulve & Gardiner A/S has almost always been aware of waste sorting and climate impact, but has also seen the concept of "green transition" as somewhat abstract, and had not really started working actively with it. But as he states, the green transition is here to stay.

"For me, it kind of started at Billund Erhverv, where I attended a meeting in a completely different context - there we got to talking about this green transition. Kim Buchhave Søgaard was also present during the meeting, and he talked about the collaboration his company has with Billund Erhverv around Grøn Kickstart. At about the same time, I had to send offers to some customers, where I had to decide on some things within the green transition, where we had to send documents about our thoughts on these things - and that's really where it starts," says Michael and continues: " After the meeting, I contacted one of the business developers from Billund Erhverv, and a process was set in motion with Kim from Buchhave Rådgivning.

“Kim knows a lot, and he immediately came up with concrete things we could do. For example, I don't think I would have called our supplier and asked for the different numbers if Kim hadn't told me about it. I still don't know enough about it, but I'm learning all the time.” smiles Michael.

"If I hadn't started the dialogue with Billund Erhverv and got the consultancy started, this would have been a long process for me - now it's a short process. And then I think it is absolutely right that you use some of the business association's funds to help small and medium-sized companies get started in this way".

MT Floors & Curtains visited Buchhave Rådgivning 3 times.

Michael Tullesen had already filled in some points about green conversion in the CO2 calculator in the ESG platform Valified. Buchhave Rådgivning gained access to the system and helped Michael correct what had already been filled in, and together more was added. "It was a good and easy way to get started, and today I automatically send out the CO2 account when I make an offer for a task, because then the customers can see that we have started to have attitudes towards it" says Michael.

Michael is also a bit critical... "We do a lot ourselves, such as waste sorting, and we send our plastic pipes back to the supplier, but these are relatively small things we do right now. I would like to see political help for companies to start the green transition, so that it does not become a huge expense for the individual companies".

As such, Michael does not think about subsidies from the state, but he has an idea for what could be done, for example: "When I make an offer for a tender task, there should be a fixed line that says Climate accounting: DKK 10.000 - on that way, all bidders include it in the price. But if it's only me who has it and has set it at a price, then it could be that this is what causes me to be too expensive and that I am then rejected. That is that when I spend extra money on e.g. waste sorting, I will actually be punished for it in a tender task".

However, he is generally positive: "It's good to get started, and that's also where I think we are - in general." He continues: "Many of our suppliers are very far along with the green transition - we can download everything that needs to be documented, and what about my conversation with Kim, I have, for example, got hold of our supplier of goods from Italy - they are there not quite yet – but they're also in the process of doing so. It shows that we are dependent on some level, but also that you are working!”.

Green Kickstart
With Grøn Kickstart, the company's position in relation to green transition is covered. Do you have sustainability in mind and are you ready to meet the demands the company will face in the coming years.

If you want to know more about Grøn Kickstart, or if you want to book a meeting, you can contact Billund Business at info@billunderhverv.dk and 6915 2176.

You can also read more about Green Kickstart here.

Grøn Kickstart is a free offer for Billund Erhverv's member companies.