JR Engineering

JR Teknik ApS performs subcontractor work within metal and plastic chip removal and has the opportunity to perform CNC turning, CNC milling and automatic sawing.

JR Teknik ApS was founded by Rolf Baarsgaard Hansen and Jacob Therkildsen in December 2021. One of the founders is trained as a toolmaker and is currently a project employee at LEGO, while the other founder is trained as an agricultural assistant and industrial technician and is employed by Svends Værktøj.

JR-Teknik ApS is thus currently operated as a "leisure company", but the ambition is that in the long term it should take up more space as the clientele builds and more tasks come along. The focus is on quiet and steady growth, and it is the intention of the owners that in the long term the company provides a basis for the founders to devote themselves full-time to the work at JR Teknik.

The company is based in a large rented factory premises in Grindsted, and investments have been made in a number of different machines, just as the premises are furnished with e.g. air pressure system used for the production machines.

The future
Both founders have a strong local network that, among other things, helps to solve challenges when they arise. For example, a slightly larger local company has placed orders with them and at the same time helps in other contexts with pricing of JR Teknik's products.

The founders' current employers are aware that they run a business alongside their full-time jobs. JR Teknik can be seen as a spinoff of Svends Værktøj, as the machines and professionalism are almost identical and they also handle subcontracting tasks for the same type of companies.

You can read more about JR-Teknik Aps at their website.