Billund Business - Your local business network
Billund Erhverv is your local and the area's strongest business network and membership association based in Billund municipality. Our purpose is to create good framework conditions for business in Billund municipality and strengthen the local growth potential and business development.
At Billund Erhverv, we have strong competencies and are also your local gateway to a regional and national network of business promotion actors who can help your company along the way. We are the voice of business and work on the strategic agenda for better framework conditions for our companies, attracting and retaining skilled labor and investment and business development of entrepreneurs and SMEs who want to grow.
The board is Billund Erhverv's supreme body and the association is run on a daily basis by a secretariat that ensures progress and development, as well as a range of current events of high quality. Through several advisory boards, the members contribute with input and advice to the association's direction and work.
Our foundation is our members and more than 350 companies are today part of Billund Erhverv. We welcome all companies in our network and we have a close and constructive collaboration with Billund Municipality.
We work purposefully for growth and development in our area - every day.