For health reasons, Søren Seindal Agner had to give up his job as a pilot, but this led to the establishment of his own company, where he could use both his experience and his skills.

Søren Seindal Agner started in the aviation industry as a steward, all the while taking his pilot's licence. When the certificate was in house, he got a job as a pilot, but back problems meant that he had to give up the pilot job after 8 years.

“I thought, so what?” says Søren, and continues: "I think it's a wonderful industry, and since I had both the experience from the cabin and the cockpit, I could see an opportunity to develop the collaboration that already existed - there were also new requirements, precisely with in order to make the crew work better together”.

On that basis, Søren Seindal Agner started the company AEROTEAM in 2004, where he also started teaching at various flying schools.

Søren says: "It all developed quietly, I got more and more customers and it all went well. At one point there was an inquiry from Scandinavian Avionics asking if I would help them build a training organization for aircraft mechanics - this turned into a long-term collaboration, and after we had worked together for 8-9 years we agreed that it made good sense to expand the collaboration into a partnership, and based on that thought we then created AEROTEAM Training Solutions in 2019". He continues: "It was going great until 2020 - then Corona came...".

Together with Scandinavian Avionics, AEROTEAM had developed a learning concept for aircraft mechanics, and when it was suddenly impossible to get out and teach, the company used the time to develop the concept digitally, which gives the company many more opportunities.

Joining forces with Scandinavian Avionics has many advantages for the company. “We can get support, and we can draw on some resources we didn't have in the house before, such as if I need a technical instructor. On the other hand, we help SA with, for example, all the administrative work in relation to processes and manuals - it actually works really well," says Søren.

AEROTEAM Training Solutions offers, among other things, courses in making decisions together, as Søren Seindal Agner says: "It doesn't matter so much what decisions people make, since these are fictitious scenarios and tasks they solve. We are more interested in how they make decisions. This is what we look at and work with, and it is also what we evaluate. Our tools help them gain the skills to make the right decisions – even under pressure”.

On 31 October, we at Billund Erhverv have invited AEROTEAM Training Solutions to hold a workshop on stress and how to prevent it.
Read more about the workshop and register here.

“People need to be able to do their jobs effectively, but one of the things that can disrupt them is stress. People know what stress does - you get sick from it, you get long-term sick leave and it costs a lot of money. But that's sort of not the part we focus on.” says Søren, and explains: "We focus on people being stressed by, for example, a task, and we're not talking long-term stress here, we're talking acute stress. What can happen when people get into acute stress is that you e.g. lose the ability to assess risk, and then there is a high risk of making wrong decisions.” He continues: "We can do something so that people don't get stressed, e.g. by having procedures – Standard Operating Procedures – introduced into the work. These are the same techniques we also use for cabin crew and pilots. We teach them to get structure in their working day - when you have structure in your working day, you also have the energy to deal with acute situations without stress".

"Many make wrong decisions due to stress. Many managers may misjudge due to a lack of risk assessment and therefore make a wrong decision – perhaps due to pressure or a stressful emergency situation. And that is what we should preferably avoid," concludes Søren Seindal Agner.